Blue Mountains Day Tour Including Three Sisters

Blue Mountains Day Tour Three Sisters

As one of the most prized natural wonders of Australia, the Blue Mountains offers nature lovers from all walks of life several opportunities to discover its many wonderful landscapes.

One of these landscapes is the Three Sisters, a picturesque rock formation that will absolutely take your breath away over and over again.

If you want to learn more about the Three Sisters and what Three Sisters day tours you can partake of, then continue reading!

What Is The Three Sisters?

The Three Sisters is regarded as an iconic and timeless Blue Mountains landmark. It is a beautiful trio rock formation each measuring approximately 100 meters in height.

It is covered in lush emerald rainforests and valleys of gushing waterfalls surrounded by eucalyptus trees. It’s no wonder that the Three Sisters is such a popular tourist destination!

However, more than just being scenically extravagant, it is also associated with a lot of historical and cultural backgrounds. In fact, have you ever wondered why it is called the Three Sisters?

Well, according to aboriginal legends, the history of the Three Sisters is based on a tale about—you guessed it!—three sisters who are named Meehni, Wimlah, and Gunnedoo. They all lived at the heart of Jamison Valley and were part of the Katoomba tribe. 

One day, the three sisters were wooed by three brothers from a nearby tribe, who decided to capture them and fight for their love against the girls’ original tribes.

To protect the girls from harm, however, a witchdoctor from the Katoomba tribe had turned them into stone but was unable to undo the spell. Thus came the birth of the Three Sisters rock formation as we know it today.

Of course, there are many other enchanting stories behind the iconic rock formation. Nonetheless, the Three Sisters is well recognised for its magical beauty—and magical background, too!

Three Sisters Day Tours

There are a number of other tourist attractions in the Blue Mountains that you could tie in with a visit to The Three Sisters. Most of these tours are day tours. Some examples of these tours are:

1). Three Sisters, Scenic World, and Wildlife Park

You could begin your day tour at the Three Sisters and Leura Village, where you can visit the iconic Leura candy store full of sweet delicacies.

From there, you can ride up the world’s steepest railway and skyway into Scenic World, where you can soak up the magnificent and vast landscape below.

You could then check out the Featherdale Wildlife Park, where you can experience some of Australia’s indigenous wildlife like the famous koalas and kangaroos.

2). Jamison Valley, Wentworth Falls, and Sunset Watching at Three Sisters

Another day tour option is to take a bushwalk along the Jamison Valley and check out the large variety of Australian wildlife.

From there, you visit the towering Wentworth Falls, a three-tiered waterfall that is 187 meters tall. You can even stop for a quick coffee break in a local town afterwards!

You could end the day with a serene sunset-watching session at the Three Sisters, where you can also distantly view other Blue Mountains wonders such as the Ruined Castle, Mount Solitary, and Narrow Neck Plateau. Pretty great way to end the day, right?

3). Three Sisters, Wentworth Falls, Jamison Valley, and Sydney Cruise

Another option that allows you to take in the Three Sisters while also enjoying other tourist attraction would be to start at the Featherdale Wildlife Park, where you can meet all kinds of Australian animals like emus and kangaroos. You can even take pictures of you feeding these them!

From there, you can head to Echo Point to view the wonderful Three Sisters, which is located on top of the famous Jamison Valley.

After Echo Point, you can experience a fun hike to Wentworth Falls and maybe take a lunch break afterwards at the humble village of Katoomba. You can easily kill a few hours here by taking in the breathtaking sights with plenty more photo opportunities.

You can then take a cruise along the Parramatta River, where you can enjoy even more picturesque scenes until you pass under the Sydney Harbour Bridge and find yourself at Circular Quay or Darling Harbour as your final destination. 

Final Thoughts

As we can see, the Three Sisters is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Blue Mountains but there are also a number of other places you can also visit in this unique National Park.

If you plan to visit the Blue Mountains in Sydney, you should hire a reputable tour guide to arrange the tour for you. This will give you peace of mind and you won’t need to worry about having to plan every aspect of your tour.

Therefore, if you are planning to visit the Blue Mountains, then look no further than FJ Tours Day Tours.

At FJ Tours, our friendly sightseeing day tours are the best way to maximise your travel time, which means you can relax and enjoy the beauty of the Blue Mountains.

Find out more about FJ Tours Blue Mountains Day Tours here.

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